Sunday, October 21, 2012

RS6 An Economist Gets Stoned

The podcast talks about the money side of marijuana, both if it was legalized and if it stays illegal. They start off by talking about how in California there is about 1000 medical marijuana distributors and some of them might be getting shut down because of obvious reasons that are the same as if it should be legal or not. People start off to talk about how if it was legalized it will be cheaper because people won’t need to smuggle it in and pay for all the necessities of smuggling drugs. If it really is cheaper a lot more people will use the drug as well. The counter argument to that is if marijuana is legal it will get taxed and thins such as transportation cost and distribution cost will have to be paid for. The podcast goes on to talk saying it’s overestimated the amount of money marijuana will bring the government.

I first off want to say that I believe that marijuana should be legal in all states because of the economic growth it can bring. I also believe that they are underestimating the amount of money it will bring in. If it was ever legalized over all the states I would say that more than fifty percent of the population would do it on a regular basis. Marijuana would become a little more expensive but not that much more because right now there is a predetermined price of marijuana and if it was legalized they wouldn't really drop the prices because they know they can sell it for that much and people will buy it. It will also help provide jobs for people because growers, transporters, distributor’s workers and many more positions would open up. Marijuana would help money flow around the economic system as well because of how people feel when they get high and get hungry. Things to smoke out of will be sold at more places and possibly different designs and more job availability. I believe cigarettes are worse for people with more predetermined bad side effects then marijuana which has really non beside maybe being a little lazy or sluggish. Once they legalized alcohol again they made so much money from the taxes and organized crime went down. That could be the same if weed was legalized.

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